AmazonSmile is a Charitable Contribution method that Amazon uses to donate .5% of a purchase to Tax Exempt charitable organizations designated by its customers when they make purchases using the AmazonSmile version of the shopping website.
There is no difference between Amazon and Amazon Smile and the pricing and products listed are the same. The only difference to you is that for any eligible products you purchase, .5% of the purchase price is contributed to First United Methodist Church in Concordia.
If you currently use Amazon, simply type smile.amazon into your search engine. This will pull up your Amazon account. In the middle of your screen there will be an option to pick your own charitable organization. Type in First United Methodist Church Concordia. After your initial visit, Amazon should have FUMC saved as your Supporting Charity.
Need more help getting set up? Visit the Amazon Smile help page or call customer support at 1 (888) 280-4331 and tell them you want to support First United Methodist Church Concordia! or use the instructions using the following link:
How does FUMC receive the donations from Amazon Smile? The Amazon Smile Foundation transfers donations to the First United Methodist Church Concordia account once per month.